Children’s Liturgy of the Word: All children ages 3 through 1st grade are invited to participate during the Liturgy of the Word at 8:30 am Sunday Mass. Jody McKernan 724-664-7676 First Friday Adoration: Through the time we spend with the Holy Eucharist, we come to a deeper and more intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ and of ourselves. Take time to spend adoring the Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and your life will be forever changed! Adorers needed to cover the hours 9 am—6 pm, as the Blessed Sacrament, once exposed, cannot be left alone. Benediction is held at 6 pm. Mary Williams 724-422-3495
Recitation of the Rosary: Pray the recitation of the Rosary 30-minutes before Mass. Ernie Bragiel 724-295-0113 Mary Williams 724-422-3495 Prayer Chain: Pray for others and connect on a prayer network. Bernie Dudeck 724-295-4572
Altar Servers: Serve God and the parish community during Mass. This ministry is open to boys and girls who have received their first Holy Communion and are in the third grade or older. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Assist the celebrant in distributing the Body of Christ and the Precious Blood to the congregation at Mass. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 Greeters: Greet and welcome parishioners before Mass. Arlene Miller 724-882-4259 Lectors: Proclaim the Sacred Scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 Music Ministers: Provide music and songs during Mass. This includes cantors, organists, instrumentalists, and the choir. Jeff Polana 724-596-0503
Sacristans: Care for the altar linens, cloths, vestments, and other liturgical items used in the church and keep the sacristy in order. Jeff Polana 724-596-0503 Ushers: Supports a welcoming environment, takes up the collection, counts attendance and finds seats for those arriving. Gary Miller 724-882-4217
Ministry Workshops: Once a year ministry members gather to be equipped and inspired to lead others in serving as the Body of Christ. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 StrengthFinders: You are uniquely created by God and endowed with gifts that are yours alone. Discover your innate talents and start using them for service, praise, and growth. Living Your Strengths Catholic Edition guides you on the path to spiritual enrichment. Includes access to the CliftonStrengths assessment. Beth Macurdy 724-295-9411 Finance Council: A group that meets to address the temporal needs and financial planning of parish life. John Mazurowski 724-294-3033 Leadership Team: The Leadership Team, which meets twice a month, focuses on growing the parish not only in numbers, but also as disciples, engaging the parish, strategic planning, and ministries. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 Pastoral Council: An advisory team to assist in the planning and development of parish living. Bridget Fogarty 724-448-9645
Christian Mothers: Promotes and supports spiritual growth for women and their children and provide women a means to grow through service. Diane Grant 724-295-2595 FORGED (Men’s Group) : Strives to re-energize and equip Catholic men by providing enriching, meaningful faith formation and fellowship. Inspires men to fulfill their vocations as friends, mentors, husbands, and fathers. Tim Fogarty 724-294-0086 Youth Ministry: All middle and high school-aged teens are welcome for teen spiritual and social activities, bible study and to participate in diocesan and national youth conventions and retreats. Cindy Michelini 724-256-1279 Theology on Tap: These young adults meet at a local restaurant/bar once a month to explore the Catholic faith with their peers. All 20—40 somethings are welcome! Chris White 412-527-9154 The Belles of St. Mary: An informal gathering of women meets at a local restaurant after Tuesday morning Mass and Rosary for breakfast and fellowship. All women are welcome! Judy Bergstrom 724-316-5352 The God Squad: An informal gathering of men meets at a local restaurant after Tuesday morning Mass and Rosary for breakfast and fellowship. All men are welcome! John Nemcek 724-294-9486
Baptism Preparation: Helps parents understand the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism and their obligation as parents. Melissa Kristine 724-230-4450 Bible Study: Offered twice a year for 6—10 weeks on Monday morning or Thursday evening. Join for a deeper understanding of the Bible and how it relates to your life. Melissa Kristine 724-230-4450 Marriage Formation: Sponsor couples assist engaged couples through reflecting with them on church teachings and practical skills for a healthy Christian marriage. Bill Girardi 412-719-7085 Religious Education: Provides religious education for Pre-K thru Grade 5 from September thru April on Sunday mornings. Helen James 724-272-1171
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Provides support for adults seeking sacramental initiation into the Catholic Church. Mary Williams 724-422-3495
Vacation Bible Camp (VBC): Offers young children an opportunity to grow in faith while having fun, one week during the summer.
Vocations: Promotes more vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and sacramental marriage. Melissa Kristine 724-230-4450 Liturgical Environment: Help keep our sanctuary beautiful for worship. Seasonal decorating of the church: Advent, Christmas, etc. Strong bodied persons, as well as those with an eye for decoration are needed. Jeff Polana 724-596-0503 Money Counter: Count money collected at masses. Andre Volek 724-295-3835 John Nemcek 724-294-9486 Office Volunteer: Work in our Administrative Office when needed to answer the phone, answer the door, prepare bulk mailings. Claudia Vertosick 724-295-2281 Parish Communications: Produces and distributes parish newsworthy items and updates using various media formats. Jeff Polana 724-596-0503 Skilled Worker: Made up of plumbers, carpenters, electricians, or self-proclaimed handymen/women who are willing to help care for the church and related buildings when the need arises. Andre Volek 724-295-3835
Bereavement: Provides support for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Lois and Dave Posney 724-456-5472 Caring Tree: Reaches out to the homebound, parishioners in nursing homes, and those who are sick with phone calls and greeting cards. Brenda DeMeno 724-859-8054 Food Bank: Assists Freeport Food Bank with distribution and collection of food for the needy in our area. Andre Volek 724-295-3835 Freeport Celebrates a Small Town Christmas: St Mary Parish hosts an event during Freeport’s Christmas celebration on the first Saturday of December. We need happy, out-going people to help during whatever event the parish is doing that day. Helping Hands: Offers temporary help to those experiencing difficult times or life-changing events. Gina Jones 724-448-9251 Homebound Ministry: Visits and brings Communion to our homebound and parishioners in nursing homes. Betty Lou and John Nemcek 724-294-9486
Meals on Wheels: Helps coordinate delivery routes, prepares meals or makes morning deliveries to those in the local community. Pat Westerman 724-448-4662 Mercy Meals: Provides and serves funeral meals for parish families who have lost a family member. These funeral luncheons are needed at various times on relatively short notice. Karen Savage 412-225-9525 Patty Hughes 724-816-0915 Recording Ministry: Livestreams the 8:30 am Mass. Jeff Polana 724-596-0503 Resurrection Choir (Funerals): Provides music at parish funerals. No musical experience needed. No rehearsals required. Marushka Steele 412-576-4617 St. Vincent de Paul: Members meet monthly to help those who are temporarily having a difficult time. Also, some members assist in operating the St. Vincent de Paul store located in Apollo. Brenda DeMeno 724-859-8054 Thanksgiving Dinner: Serves and delivers meals to those in the community on Thanksgiving Day.